Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!

If you're not on the internet, you probably think April Fools is a lame, or even annoying, pseudo-holiday. There are pranks, teasing, and bad jokes everywhere, and it's all made worse by the fact that all of it is completely expected. Jim's pranks on The Office are funny because they're creative and unexpected, but trying to pull similar stunts on April Fools' Day is unsatisfactory to both those pulling the pranks and those on the receiving end, because everyone suspects it.

In the twenty-first century, however, April Fools' Day is one of the best holidays of the year, for a simple reason: the Internet.

Websites of all sorts have become the playing field for good April Fools jokes. There are a lot of false, humorous news reports that pop up on April 1st, and there are several well known web companies (Such as Google, YouTube, and Hulu) who have been joining in the fun now for years, changing parts of their websites in a pretend effort to expand their horizons. A number of people may become confused, believing all the web sponsored pranks, but for the most part everyone's in on the joke.

Because everyone understands what's going on, April Fools' Day on the internet has become a sort of comic-relief holiday. It's tons of fun, going around to all the popular tech sites or smaller communities you're a member of and trying to find their April Fools' secrets. And it's great to see that such a humorous tradition continues no matter what else may be going on in the world.

I'd love to make a list of my favorite April Fools' Day 'pranks', but instead I'll just link you to the April Fools List from TechCrunch. I suggest you go check it out and join the fun! Happy holiday!

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