Friday, February 18, 2011

Late Night Talk Shows

I watched Late Night with Jimmy Fallon Wednesday night/Thursday morning, because a certain web-show producer/actress I follow was going to be on with him, talking about her new project. I set our new TV DVR to record the show just in case I went to bed and forgot, but by 12:00 when I was still awake playing a video game on my computer, I decided I could catch it as it aired (especially since I got to sleep in an hour the next morning).

I've never actually seen one of those late night comedy/talk shows before. Sure, I might have seen clips or s few seconds as I flipped channels, but I've never actually purposely stayed up to watch them. If I'm going to be staying up late, it's because I'm doing something, like watching a movie or studying or playing video games. I never get bored enough and decided not to go to bed but to instead turn the TV on. Except for the five serials I follow, the TV tends to be turned off if I have a choice (Sometimes my mom will turn on Home and Garden or the Discovery channel, and my dad likes to watch a TON of old movies).

So I'm a bit confused as to who actually does watch these late night shows. Sure, people who sleep all day and are only awake at night, or people who get to sleep in really late and don't mind staying up until 2:00, or people who don't mind getting five hours of sleep daily or - wait, doesn't that really limit your audience, and the type of people in your audience?

Maybe I'm being biased here. Maybe a lot of stay-at-home moms watch these late night shows, or honest hardworking citizens who go to sleep really early and wake themselves up specifically for the show. But I kind of doubt it. I don't want to sound judgmental, but it seems to me that the majority of people who watch these shows regularly are either dark, depressing people who never sleep, or they just have no life.

I found my experience with Jimmy Fallon kind of... interesting. I had the sound down most of the time (because there were people trying to sleep in this house), so I didn't catch everything he said, but he didn't seem too crass or vulgar, and his interview with Felicia Day was pretty funny. I'll probably still steer away from those shows, however, because I like sleeping, and I prefer shows that appeal to a non-sleep-deprived audience. Keep truckin', though, late night comedy/talk show hosts, because if anything you say is good enough, it'll end up on the internet anyways.


Ronald Miller said...

Hey, you forgot us Night Auditors who have to choose between these talk shows or dreadful infomercials at 1 in the morning! :P

Kenna May said...

I think I meant to mention the Night Shift in my paragraph about people who watch these shows regularly, and I completely sympathize with people in your position. If you're going to - or have to - watch TV late at night, I definitely prefer these to anything else airing at that time, and we have to really appreciate the people who produce these shows, too.