Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cellular Interference

My mom bought me a cell phone at the beginning of last semester, because, with me taking her's to class, there was no way for us to get a hold of each other. I've never been particularly interested in owning a cell phone, but it does come in handy occasionally, so I keep it on me. She doesn't text, so she decided not to include unlimited texting on our joined plan. We've been careful not to text each other or anyone else unless it was necessary.

About a week or so after I got the phone, I got a mysterious text from someone whose number I did not recognize, but who acted like they knew me. I figured it was a wrong number, but over the course of the semester I received more texts and phone calls from the same number, along with a few other numbers, from people apparently typing in the wrong number. One message left for me was from some guy who obviously meant to get a hold of his girlfriend.

I don't know about you, and maybe guys are different, but if I was going out with someone, their number would be in my phone's contact book. If I have a reason to call someone more than once, their number's going to be saved in my phone, so I can just type in their name when I'm sending a text or even calling them for a conversation. Since this guy was obviously trying to call his girlfriend, why didn't he just pull her name up from his contacts list, instead of typing it in from memory and risking accidentally calling someone else?

This happened a couple of times in the first few months after getting my phone, but luckily not often enough for it to really bother me. I brushed it off as some poor fool who will probably stop mis-typing my number in a few months because he wont be going out with that girl for much longer. However, my interest was tickled, and I imagined myself texting this wrong number back, pretending I was in fact his girlfriend and breaking up with him, or doing something else to upset their relationship earlier than it normally would have been.

I didn't, though, because I'm a nice person. When he texted me on Christmas, and I forced myself not to reply that we were through.

It's probably a good thing I didn't, though. It would make an interesting story idea, and I haven't gotten a text from this number since then. Either he finally put her number in his contacts, or they didn't need my help to break things off.

(I hope this doesn't make me a bad person - everyone dreams of punishing people for silly mistakes, right? Right?)

1 comment:

Cruz said...

I had the chance to kind of do that once too sort of. Ahahaha!