Monday, June 13, 2011

The Cake is Magic!

There is a certain dessert dish made in my house; one of the ingredients is magic. My mom puts the rest of the necessary ingredients together, then applies some magic and a few micro waves, and a magic cake appears.
If you've never tasted a magic cake, it might not look particularly appealing, but fresh magic cake, warm and gooey and chocolaty, is delicious. The magic essence fills your soul and gives you powers you didn't know you had, like the ability to fly, or control things with your mind. Regular old chocolate cake is fine, but I don't think anyone would disagree that the magic cake reign supreme.

I can not disclose the full secrets of the magi cake, though I can promise you there are no mood-enhancing drugs, beyond the already admitted chocolate. The magic cake, in all honesty, is magic. It cooks up in eight minutes, and can be ready ten minutes after pulling the magic cake dish out of the cupboard. Years ago, when Marie Antoinette supposedly said "let them eat cake," no one could have imagined that in 2011, the cake would be magical.

Of course, trying to survive on just magic cake is probably a bad idea. As powerful as it is, the magic cake doesn't include all the necessary daily nutrients, and it doesn't help with my pretend diet. I forget that all, however, when I bite into a delicious scoop of magic cake, unorthodox, mysterious, wonderful, magic.

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