Sunday, April 26, 2009

Step One: Creating a Blog

Nobody always asks me why I don't keep a steady blog (They do ask occasionally, however). In reality, I have a Myspace blog (Gone to shambles. That's a word, right?), a classroom blog (I am assigned to write a daily blog for my English class), a DeviantArt blog (It's a journal, technically, but only two or three people can read it) and now this one. That makes... four, total. But I decided to start a regular blog, in hopes of abolishing permanently my use of Myspace and writing something that everyone can read. Or at least everyone who bothers.

I decided to write this blog as a sort of extended 'Status Update', referring obviously to Facebook. Status Update is a wonderful thing, but sometimes I just want to write a longer version (Which is why you see me commenting my own comments sometimes). That, of course, is where the blog title comes from. That, and my own test-induced brain-dead-ness. Yes, it is a word, and an unnaturally occurring disorder that should be treated with long, four-day weekends.

Anyway, when starting the blog, the first this you need to do is decide where to host it. BlogSpot is the obvious choice, and since I couldn't find anywhere else in 5 seconds that sounded better, it's the one I went with. I wasn't sure if I already had a Blogspot or not, but since there was no error message on entering my Yahoo email, I guess everything went smoothly. After that, one has to chose a name.

Name choosing is the dreaded task. No one wants a name with more than two numbers, and yet sometimes this is the sacrifice you have to go through to get the perfect name. Here are some names I went through:
-GinnyM (Uncreative...)
-StatusUpdate (More uncreativity)
-Writer (Someone I might follow!)
-Megabyte (TT_TT That's my cat's name!)
-Blank (This was their first blog ever!)
-Welcome (running out of ideas here...)
-Awareness (these two words go together_
-Identity (referring to the dissociative kind)
-Available (out of desperation)

"Disociative" was only free because I spelled it wrong - it's supposed to be Dissociative (and it refers to Multiple Personality Disorder, which is really called Dissociative Identity Disorder).

Some of those blogs were interesting, but note the date of the last entry. For most of them, 2001 or 2003. which means their writers might never use them again. EVER. They could have been mine. -.-

Well, I'll close this first-blog-ever (on Blogger) on this note: I hope most of my posts will be short. Otherwise, I probably wont want to post often. I'm going to try to make them just extended Status Updates - things like randoms thoughts I have. Also, I'll try not to make them boring. I'll wont write "I'm sleepy" every day, I promise. I want these posts to be interesting, and thought provoking, and maybe even a little humorous. Lastly, I'll try not to quote Bones to often, but I know that's a failed promise already. It's too tempting. And too worth while. For me. Sorry, please excuse me in advance.


Sharon Stevens said...

I can't wait for more...and more....

Shannan said...

I agree with Sharon!

jaslovesgilmore said...

i'm sorry but i'm not going to excuse u in advance and another thing u write long blogs when u said u were going to write short ones, but i think there better long.