Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Green Thumb

OH MAN. THAT'S what I'll do. I'm amazing. I'll elaborate at the end of my blog, but read on for now.

It's been bugging me a lot recently - I have realized that I trapped myself in a corner and I'm seriously going to have to fight my way out. Almost everybody around me has taken up the hobby of noticing, finely, every single moment I am not wearing the color Green, and making a proclamation about it. Be it at Church, School, Seminary, outdoors activities... I tricked myself into being forced to wear green everywhere, or else everyone freaks out.

I like the color green. It just so happens to be my favorite one. But, just like I'm not going to go around eating my favorite food all day, every day, I don't want to only ever wear my favorite color. Doing any good thing too often degrades the goodness of it - that's why Adam and Eve couldn't stay in Eden (well, it's one of the reasons). After a while, it doesn't feel as good anymore.

So, while Green is a pretty awesome color, I refuse to wear it every day. Sometimes, I want to wear other things.

While writing the title to this blog, I got an amazing idea - I'll paint my thumb Green!! That way, whenever people say "Yur nawt waring gween," I can give them the thumps-up and walk away (I used to just walk away, but part of me feels bad for giving others the cold shoulder). I think I will try going a whole week without wearing green, except for my thumb, and see how people react. Yeah.

1 comment:

Shannan said...

I could tell you were getting irritated with people always asking about your wearing green. I will only ever ask to see your green thumb, and then I won't say another word about you and green!